
[City] City "Unilodge on Margaret" since Jun 22th

2019.06.07 21:00 4,489 0


City "UniLodge on Margaret" is looking for a transfer.


We have a bed, a TV, induction,a microwave, a toast, drawers, and desks

and if you need some kitchen tools, I can give you.


The lease expires at the end of December, but you can transfer it to someone else before then.


Rent cost includes all the bills: $1,299 per Month, Deposit: $1,199


Convenience: Swimming pool, BBQ, cooking room, laundry room, study room, free Wi-Fi.

Carpark(pay $300 per month or stay in the street)


You can move from June 22th,


You'll be comfortable living alone, living with friends or with couple.

If you wonder something or want to inspection, please text me any time.


Phone : 0466 566 732   


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