
[브리즈번] IELTS Tutor

2021.05.28 14:57 1,951 0


Do you need to sit for the IELTS and have no idea of how to start? 

Or are you an experienced test taker, but just cannot crack the writing or speaking modules? 

Whatever your situation, I am the best person to help.

Hello, I am a highly qualified and experienced EAL teacher who has worked at universities in South Korea and Australia.

Throughout my career, I have helped many students to boost their IELTS performance.

You can be one of them!

I am happy to teach face-to-face at your home or at a library anywhere in the western suburbs or the city. Online is also possible.

If you are looking for a highly competent tutor to help you to conquer IELTS writing and speaking, Please get in touch.


많은 관심 바랍니다. 


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